friend, Addison Hart, posted the link below on Facebook and I could
hardly have said it better myself. I will add, however, that the morons who propose that their state can utterly defy the U.S. Constitution are likely the same sort of people who demand that we "take our Constitution back!" Never mind that pesky First Amendment and its injunction that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." I guess state legislatures get a pass on that one, eh?
There's been alot of talk about secession in this country recently. Guns, abortion, legalization of marijuana, gay marriage . . . Civil War II can't be far behind.
I wish I was joking about that. And oh, yeah; be forewarned: the assholes have the guns.
believe in the separation of church and state, mostly for the sake of
the church than for the state. Further, I wouldn't trust any form of
"Americanized" Christianity, whether right or left. It
would be, without doubt, a civil religion. It would bless America's
worst impulses towards imperialism, militarization, excessive
moralism (whether leftist or rightist) with penal consequences,
policing of citizens, corporation-protecting, bankster-pardoning, and
war-mongering. It would remake Jesus into a flag-waving, grinning,
all-American, platitude-spouting, gun-toting, war-condoning,
"liberal" or "neocon" (take your pick),
legislation-minded, and sports-loving cowboy type. We would
drone-murder "towel-heads" "in Jesus' name",
promote Capitalism and "pull-yourself-up-by-your-own-bootstraps"
morality "in Jesus' name", and have churches following "the
corporate model" of authority "in Jesus' name". I
can't think of a kitschier image than a blow-dried and stupefied
"American Jesus" or a more repellent religion than an
"American" civil "Christianity". God save his
people from that ugliest of all possible Constantinianisms.
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